Saturday 1 July 2017

July '17 Monthly Update [Network]

As you can probably see, I’ve been sorting out a few things on here. The first thing is changing the out-of-date author page with a new one that details the highlights of my work, including links on where to find each of them. Which leads to the second thing – the links themselves. The dark grey has been replaced with a dark red, fitting the styling I’m going for more clearly.
As for content, Doctor Who: The Star Wars Chronicles is at its final episode. Now that The Doctor has gone, DarkRula is on Endor helping the Mandalorians with their base, and he has a question to ask Skirata.

A new tag is being introduced for posts. It shouldn’t be a surprise what that is going to be, as it’s for my favourite franchise. All Star Wars content except reviews will be going under the Star Wars tag, and I’m expanding my coverage of Star Wars content to go deeper into the series as a whole. Starting that off will be looking at one particular area with a focus on one particular character. I’m not going to say the who or the what, but will say Revenge of the Sith is the episode that focus comes from.
I’ll be adding more to The Alternates Extras of Halesowen story, with two chapters that bring the other two short films. That then ends the extras from the first story, with a bit more focus placed on the secondary group next time. And speaking of self-publishing, the second book I am working on is soon to be ready. Again, I won’t reveal it until it is nearly ready, though I have no doubt that those long-time readers might be able to guess at what it is.
A Look Inside the Morphing Grid for Wild Force and Ninja Storm is incoming, and I’m hoping to put a bit less focus on the overall season arcs themselves and more on what I think of said seasons. The original post about Mighty Morphin’ worked well in that regard, owing to the massive amount of episodes that series had. Since then, I’ve put too much focus on summarising the episodes themselves, and while I won’t redo the previous posts, all new ones will make sure to give my thoughts more.

Nintendo’s new IP of ARMS has been very fun indeed, and I’ll be giving some thoughts on it. And now it is after E3 and new games have been announced, I find myself planning another What I’m Waiting For. Along with that, I’m sure I’ll have more posts about the Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokémon games coming soon.